Saturday, May 06, 2006

March 20, 2006

Date: Monday, March 20, 2006 6:52:17 PM

I have arrived in Mississippi, what a dump! The first 2 days were boring, but today I began to learn Dari (kind of like arabic)I will be in the Northern part of the Country when I get there. They are going to issue me an M4 rifle and a pistol, and body armor...very cool, tools of the trade I guess.I should be in Mississippi for 2 months. I have leave scheduled from May 24th to June 2nd so I hope to be back to visit one last time before I roll out. It's going to be tough training the next couple weeks, but I am excited about it, yet disappointed that I have left CMW. is a website that I hope to update reguarly, I have some pictures of the dump I live in for you people so I will get them out
soon. Keep me up to date about the school and my new sub. I'll write more when I can. I'll send you all my address when possible.

SSG.Brian Norman


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