Thursday, September 07, 2006

September 7, 2006

Date: Thursday, September 07, 2006 11:03:53 AM

We have ben fortifying our base and it's turning into a fortress! I "acquired" twin 30 millimeter anti-aircraft gun and modified it to engage ground targets. It can shoot 12,000 feet. We have been ambushing, raiding and generally kicking ass and taking names....Capturing people creates too much paperwork....I hate paperwork...We have been causing chaos and fear among the Anti-Coalition militia (Taliban) in our district. We hit them hard at night, almost every night and stir them up during the day. The pictures I have are AMAZING! The flag I gave the school will be flown on 9/11. It puts whole new meaning to the day for me when I am here putting foot to ass on behalf of you guys. Well, I have to go, we
are expecting trouble (it's a full moon and they can actually see). I could use oatmeal, as many drink mix singles you could send. There are 7 of us Americans here and we are all sharing whatever we have. Well, talk to you when I can.


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