Wednesday, November 29, 2006

November 29, 2006

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 1:07:54 PM

I am writing this to partially vent and all of you are the only audience I feel so inclined to do so. Some of you may not know, some of you do. On November 28th, 2 friends of mine (American Soldiers)whom I have been working with for the past 4 months, were killed by a roadside bomb while on patrol. A third was wounded, and today she died from her wounds, bringing the toll to 3 good friends. I was supposed to be on that patrol with them when it happened, and while I am glad I was not, it does little to ease the anger I feel towards these people. In spite of all we have done for these people, they continue to prove time and time again they are selfish, fanatical sub-human trash worthy of nothing more from us. I have made a decision to not give out a single crumb of food, a drop of water or shred of clothing for the remainder of my tour here and would ask that you refrain from sending anything that may benefit these people in any way. I will sit idly by and watch the terrible toll the winter will take on these people and rest assured, will not feel the slightest bit of sympathy. While it is a shame that the good must suffer for the deeds of a few, the loss inflicted on their families, far outweighs the benefits of continuing to help the Afghans. I can only hope for the day when vengence on the guilty will be mine, or my tour finishes and I can leave this wretched excuse for a country. I apologize for the ranting, but feel much better. I have attached a picture of one of my friends and although I would like to tell you his name, I cannot do so until his next of kin have been notified. Also attached is the last picture of my doing anything
for these people.


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